Blistered Padron Peppers

Blistered Padron Peppers

This easy and delicious summer snack highlights the peppers' unique flavor and crunchy-yet-silky texture. Typically, Padron peppers are mild, but later in the season they can start to get more spicy. The best part about this recipe? You'll be enjoying this healthy snack in 10 minutes or less!




1 tablespoon high-heat oil (we used sesame)

1 pint Padron peppers (keep the stems on)

Omnivore salt or sea salt to taste



Heat sesame oil in a large skillet over high heat until the oil is just about smoking.

Add the peppers to the pan and cook, tossing occasionally. Once the skins are blistered and the peppers are beginning to soften, about 10 minutes, remove from heat.

Transfer the peppers to a bowl and toss with salt and your favorite seasonings. Or try our addicting Omnivore salt.

To eat, grab the pepper by the stem and bite right up to the top. Then you can discard the stem.


vegetable plate

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